Note: We continue to follow government health requirements on gathering size and procedures, subject to change. We are also streaming selected Sunday Services live on YouTube.

Sunday Service

NaijinAll are welcome to attend our Sunday service at 9:00 am when held, currently one Sunday each month, but check our calendar often for updates. 

Our new format on other Sundays includes interpersonal exchanges, Question and Answer sessions on Buddhist concepts, guest speakers, and book club discussions.

Please feel free to come by and have a reflective moment by listening to Shin Buddhism teachings. Dharma talks are in English.

Hourin2Order of Service 

1. Ringing the Bell
2. Gassho
3. Singing Shinhu Shuka (The Jodo Shinshu Gatha)
4. Vandana Ti-Sarana, Three Treasures
5. Shoshin-ge chanting
6. "Kanwa" Speech           occasional
7. Dharma Message
8. Singing the Gatha of the Month
* Please offer incense before or after the service.
Read more: Sunday Services